Training and Tech Support 4 Hours
Training and Tech Support 4 Hours
Retail Price: $600.00

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Product Development Inc - Training and Tech Support Service 4 Hour Block good for 90 days

Has your warranty expired? Do you still need assistance with your equipment?

Did you purchase your machine from another vendor and they do not offer support or training?

We have created a way for you to have access to our Award Winning Tech Support and Training.

We have created a 4 hour service offering to assist you.

Included in this service:
Phone Support
Email Support
Access to Parts Lists
Part Number Lookups
Access to Service Manuals
Instructions for Replacement Parts
Replacement Software Downloads
Live 1 on 1 Online Tech Support Session
Live 1 on 1 Online Training Session
Machine Troubleshooting
Firmware Upgrade Support
Software Upgrade Support

We use GoTo Meeting for our online session which allows us to teach you Live 1 on 1 and also troubleshoot your machine problems by accessing your computer.

What machine will you assist with?
Roland MDX-15, MDX-20, JWX-10, JWX-30, MDX-40, MDX-40A, MDX-50, MDX-540, MDX-540A, MDX-540S, MDX-540SA
Roland LPX-250, LPX-60, LPX-600, LPX-1200

Why are you charging me this?
You have the option to buy the Extended Warranty up to the 1 year after you purchase your machine. If you choose not to purchase the Extended Warranty then we wanted to offer you another option to resolve your issues.

Why 4 hours?
We have found that to help a customer out with there issues and ongoing problems that a block of 4 hours works best. We also considered a yearly service contract but the cost would have been to expensive for those who are a casual user but has questions from time to time.

How do you keep the time?
We will keep time based on conversations, computer work, research, conversations with equipment manufactures, emails, live 1 on 1 training, contact with other tech support professionals that are related to your company's needs. We create a task in our system and track time to that task.

Does this include any replacement parts?
This does not include any replacement parts. If there is a replacement part needed then there will be a cost associated with the part. This is only for our time helping you find a solution to your problem.

Do you guarantee you will solve my problem?
We will do are very best to help you troubleshoot the issue and resolve the problem. We can usually figure out an issue but there has been a few times in the past that a customer had to send the machine into the manufacture to get the problem resolved. So unfortunately there is no guarantee we will fix the problem. We will guarantee that we will only charge time against the 4 hours for work we do trying to resolve the problem.

Does the time expire?
The time expires in 90 days that is usually enough time to get a new customer setup and older customer time to solve there problems.